How to Come Up with a Gamertag

What is the right gamertag for you? Should you go for something funny or something cool? Coming up with a gamertag may not sound like a big deal, but in reality it's what represents you in game.

Picture this:

You’ve got yourself a new shiny multiplayer game and you’re looking to carve out a name for yourself in its digital arena. You download it, you run it and then it asks you for your gamertag but you’re drawing a blank.

How to come up with a gamertag

What is the right gamertag for you? Should you go for something funny or something cool? Coming up with a gamertag may not sound like a big deal, but in reality it’s what represents you in game. After all, famous gamers like Ninja and Shroud are household names in the gaming sphere. We recognize those names from miles away.

So, if you’ve been struggling to come up with a gamertag that is 100% you, then we’ve got a few tips to help you out.

If you just want to quickly create a cool gamer name, try our gamer name generator.

What Makes a Good Gamertag?

Two of the most popular gamertags in LoL history belong to Faker and Imaqtpie.

They’re complete polar opposites. The first is an everyday word that you would never associate with a cool person, while the other is completely silly. Both of these players though are grandmasters at League. Everyone who plays the game knows them. Their gamertags’ simplicity or silliness is of little consequence.

The lesson here is the gamertag means nothing on its own. Your playstyle, your skill, and your attitude when you play will all become associated with your name over time. This is why it’s important to pick a gamertag that you believe fully represents you as a person.

How to Brainstorm Ideas for a Gamertag

The way gamers come up with gamertags differs from one to another. Some already have ideas carved out while others may need to have a bit of a think on it. Brainstorming can help a fair bit with the latter. Start by thinking about the type of game you’re playing, the class, characters and weapons you use as well as your personality. Take the first things that pop into your head when you think of all this and write them down.

Another fun way is to try some genre name generators. There are tons of different sites and apps out there that will use a variety of methods to come up with your own elf, space marine, Smurf, or whatever name. But don’t stop there. Placing your own spin on these generated names can make them truly unique to you.

Making a Gamertag That Fits You

Brainstorming is a great way to put a few gametag ideas together. After that, you’ll want to have a look at each of them and pick the one you feel represents you the most. This is where recruiting the help of a few friends may come in handy. You can show them the ideas you’ve come up with, and ask them which one they think best suits you. Or maybe they can choose the ones you won’t use.

Ultimately, your choice needs to be personal and your own. At the end of the day, your selection doesn’t even have to be final. You can always take your newly minted gamertag out for a spin and if you’re not feeling it after a few games, then just change it.